Celebrity publicist and Bigg Boss specialist Dale Bhagwagar who Pooja had elaborately consulted before entering the show, says “Pooja Misrra had become a household name from the last few weeks and is obviously being missed on the show.”
The lady who Dale had branded as “a simpleton and a baby at heart, who could transform herself into a ferocious tigress within a nanosecond,” is now being speculated to make a Wild Card entry. Labeled as Pooja’s ‘guerrilla publicist’, the PR guru admits that Pooja has been in regular touch with him after the show, but refuses to comment on her return to what he terms “the awesome House of Scandal.”
Instead, Dale analyses that “Bigg Boss needs a stronger shot in the arm now. Someone like a Mike Tyson walking in next week, would be a perfect bet. Mike is one of the most popular and controversial living legends the world has ever seen, while Bigg Boss is the most popular and controversial reality show our country has. The two can make a fantabulous combo.”
“Plus, anchors Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan who have always been known for their physiques in Bollywood, could have a gala time interacting with the muscular champion,” he adds.
Mike Tyson, the 45-year-old American, is a former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA and IBF world heavyweight titles. In 1992, Tyson was convicted for rape, for which he was sentenced to six years in prison, but was released after serving three years, after which, he engaged in a series of comeback fights.
It can be noted here that Tyson’s name was also speculated before Bigg Boss rolled this year, but as the show proceeded with names like Shakti Kapoor, Pooja Bedi, Shonali Nagrani, Nihita Biswas, Shradha Sharma, Mandeep Bevli, Raageshwari, Vida Samadzai, Mahek Chahal, Sonika Kaliraman Malik, Pooja Misrra, Gulabo Sapera, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, Juhi Parmar, Amar Upadhyay, Siddharth Bhardwaj, Aksahdeep Saigal, Swami Agnivesh and Sunny Leone, not many have missed the many international names which were rumoured to be on the show.
Last year, The Great Khali had created quite a stir with his strong presence on Bigg Boss, while foreign contestants like Baywatch girl Pamela Anderson, German model Claudia Ciesla, the late British reality TV star Jade Goody and Canadian pornstar Sunny Leone have all made their presence felt.
Boxing legend Mike Tyson in Bigg Boss 5 next week? is a post from: BollySpice
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